Legislative / Voting Records

HB0155 And HB0157 update
“Best Interests of the Child” in HB157 & HB155
(video by Wyoming Liberty Group April 3, 2019)
Implications of HB 0155
US case law – Court of Appeals of Maryland, 2017
Supreme Court of Louisiana, 2016
Judiciary Committee Meeting Minutes – November 15, 2018
LSO (Legislative Service Office) Memorandum on De Facto Custody) October 27, 2017
LSO Memorandum on De Facto Custody April 19, 2018
Judiciary Committee Meeting Minutes – May 7 2018
Link to HB15 – introduced in the 2018 Legislative session
2019 Bill Draft: Guardianship terminations and orders.
Changes the current Guardianship statutes to alter the standard of “fitness” of the biological parent and includes Best Interest of the Child Analysis
NOTE: This bill was voted down by majority of Joint Judiciary Committee on November 15, 2018 – close vote
VIDEO -WGAP Expert Witnesses – September 21, 2018
Dr. James Baroffio, Child Clinical Psychologist and Family Law Professor, Julia McLaughlin
Legislators Contact List & How ‘they’ vote!
On September 21st, 2018, a Joint Judiciary Committee meeting was held at the University of Wyoming. The current “Guardianship Termination” bill, a Judiciary sponsored bill, with key components patterned after the original “De Facto” bill considered last session, was voted on with a favorable count to move forward. However, several legislators, who initially supported the concept, and voted in favor of the “De Facto Custody” bill in the House in the 2018 session, changed their vote to a “NO”, and voted NOT to move the bill forward.
Our legislators that changed their vote in favor of not supporting the bill which provides basic protective safeguards for children in guardianship are as follows:
Representative Bo Biteman
Representative Jared Olsen
Representative Nathan Winters
Representative Tim Salazar
Voted YES… – PASS the bill draft which provides protective measures for children in guardianship
Rep. Charles Pelkey Sen. Liisa Anselmi-Dalton
Rep. Bill Pownall Sen. Leland Christensen, Chair
Rep. Dan Kirkbride, Chair Sen. Tara Nethercott
Rep. Clark Stith Sen. Larry Hicks
We thank the above Judiciary Committee members for voting to move forward on this vitally important children’s bill.
Voted NO – DO NOT PASS the bill draft which provides protective measures for children in guardianship
Rep. Mark Jennings
Rep. Bo Biteman
Rep. Jared Olsen
Rep. Nathan Winters
Rep. Tim Salazar
Note: Senator Kinskey – excused
Prior to the De Facto Custody Act being “tabled” for the upcoming session, here’s the voting record on the House side in February 2018. The Bill passed with the 2/3 requirement to move forward 41 Ayes – 19 Noes. It’s important to know who among our legislators support a Bill that offers common sense legislation to protect the safety and well-being of children in Guardianship and who does not. We will continue to post all voting records on the issue.
February, 2018 Initial House vote on HB 15 – De Facto Custody Act
Your Representatives

Your Senators